100 Bài tập động từ + giới từ trong tiếng Anh có đáp án


100 Bài tập động từ + giới từ trong tiếng Anh có đáp án

100 Bài tập động từ + giới từ trong tiếng Anh có đáp án

Tương ứng với từng bài trong loạt bài Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh chúng mình sẽ cung cấp cho các bạn phần bài tập để thực hành luôn phần Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh vừa học. Bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng Anh này giúp bạn ôn tập và hiểu sâu hơn các phần lý thuyết đã được trình bày trong loạt bài Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh.

Trước khi làm Bài tập động từ + giới từ trong tiếng Anh, nếu bạn muốn đọc lại phần ngữ pháp tiếng Anh tương ứng, bạn có thể tham khảo tại chương: Bài tập động từ + giới từ trong tiếng Anh.

Với các từ mới mình sẽ không dịch sẵn mà bạn nên tự tìm hiểu vì điều đó sẽ giúp bạn nhớ lâu hơn. Sau khi bạn đã làm xong bài tập, để so sánh xem mình làm đúng được bao nhiêu, mời bạn click chuột vào phần Hiển thị đáp án ở bên dưới.

Dưới đây là phần Bài tập động từ + giới từ:

100 Bài tập động từ + giới từ trong tiếng Anh có đáp án

Tương ứng với từng bài trong loạt bài Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh chúng mình sẽ cung cấp cho các bạn phần bài tập để thực hành luôn phần Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh vừa học. Bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng Anh này giúp bạn ôn tập và hiểu sâu hơn các phần lý thuyết đã được trình bày trong loạt bài Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh.

Trước khi làm Bài tập động từ + giới từ trong tiếng Anh, nếu bạn muốn đọc lại phần ngữ pháp tiếng Anh tương ứng, bạn có thể tham khảo tại chương: Bài tập động từ + giới từ trong tiếng Anh.

Với các từ mới mình sẽ không dịch sẵn mà bạn nên tự tìm hiểu vì điều đó sẽ giúp bạn nhớ lâu hơn. Sau khi bạn đã làm xong bài tập, để so sánh xem mình làm đúng được bao nhiêu, mời bạn click chuột vào phần Hiển thị đáp án ở bên dưới.

Dưới đây là phần Bài tập động từ + giới từ:

Bài tập động từ + giới từ (phần 1)

Bài 1: You ask somebody to explain things that you don't understand. Write questions beginning Can you explain ...?

1. (I don't understand this word.)

Can you explain this word to me?

2. (I don't understand what you mean)

Can you explain to me what you mean?

3. (I don't understand the problem)

Can you explain ...................?

4. (I don't understand the problem)

Can ...............................?

5. (I don't understand how this machine works)


6. (I don't understand what I have to do )


3. Can you explain this question to me?

4. Can you explain the problem to me?

5. Can you explain to me how this machine works?

6. Can you explain to me what I have to do?

Bài 2: Put in to where necessary. If the sentence is already complete, leave the space empty.

1. I know who she is, but I've never spoken to her.

2. Why didn't you answer ..–.. my letter?

3. I like to listen .... the radio while I'm having breakfast.

4. We'd beeter phone .... the restaurant to reserve a table.

5. "Did Mike apologize .... you?" "Yes, he said he was very sorry."

6. I explained .... everybody for all the help they had given up.

7. I thanked .... everybody for all the help they ad given me.

8. Ask me what you like, and I'll try and answer .... your questions.

9. Mike described .... me exactly what happened.

10. Karen won't be able to help you, so there's no point in asking ....her.

3. to

4. –

5. to

6. to

7. –

8. –

9. to

10. –

Bài 3: Complete the sentence. Use the following verbs + the correct preposition:

explain    glance    laugh    listen    point    speak    throw    throw

1. I look stupid with this haircut. Everybody will laugh at me.

2. I don't understand this. Can you explain it to me?

3. Sue and Kevin had an argument and now they're not .... one another.

4. Be careful with those scissors! Don't .... them .... me!

5. I .... my watch to see what the time was.

6. Please .... ,me! I've got something important to tell you.

7. Don't .... stones .... the birds! It's cruel.

8. If you don't qant that sandwich, .... it .... the birds. They'll eat it.

3. speaking to

4. point them at

5. glanced at

6. listen to

7. throw stones at

8. throw it to

Bài 4:Put in to or at.

1. I wrote to the hotel complaining about the poor service we had received.

2. Look .... these flowers. Aren't they pretty?

3. Please don't about .... me! Try to calm down.

4. I saw Sue as I was cycling along the road. I shouted .... her, but she didn't hear me.

5. Don't listen .... what he says. He doesn't know what he's talking about.

6. What's so funny? What are you laughing .... ?

7. Do you think I could have a look .... your magazine, please?

8. I'm a bit lonely. I need somebody to talk ....

9. She was so angry she threw a book .... the wall.

10. The woman sitting opposite me on the train kept starting .... me.

11. Can I speak .... you a moment? There's something I want to ask you.

2. at

3. at

4. to

5. to

6. at

7. at

8. to

9. at

10. at

11. to

Bài tập động từ + giới từ (phần 2)

Bài 1: Put in the correct preposition.

1. Did you hear about what happened at the party on Saturday?

2. "I had a strange dream last night." "Did you? What did you dream ....?"

3. Our neighbours complained .... us .... the noise we made last night.

4. Kevin was complaining .... pains in his chest, so he went to the doctor.

5. I love this music. It reminds me .... a warm day in spring.

6. He loves his job. He thinks .... his job all the time, he dreams ....it, he talks .... it and I'm fed up with hearing .... it.

7. I tried to remember the name of the book, but I couldn't think .... it.

8. Jackie warned me .... the water. She said it wasn't safe to drink.

9. We warned our children .... the dangers of playing in the street.

2. about

3. to us about

4. of

5. of

6. about .... about .... about .... about

7. of

8. about

9. about /of

Bài 2: Complete the sentences using the following verbs (in the correct form) + the correct preposition. complain dream hear remind remind think think warn

1. That's a good idea. Why didn't I think of that?

2. Bill is never satisfied. He is always .... something.

3. I can't make a decision yet. I need time to .... your proposal.

4. Before you go into the house, I must .... you .... the dog. He is very aggressive sometimes, so be careful.

5. She's not a well-known singer. Not many people have .... her.

6. A: You wouldn't go away without telling me, would you?

B: Of course not. I wouldn't .... it.

7. I would have forgotten my appointment if Jane hadn't .... me .... it.

8. Do you see that man over there? Does he .... you .... anybody you know?

2. complaining about

3. think about

4. warn you about

5. heard of

6. dream of

7. reminded me about

8. remind you of

Bài 3: Complete the sentences using hear or heard + the correct preposition (about/of/from).

1. I've never heard of Tom Hart. Who is he?

2. "Did you .... the accident last night?" "Yes, Vicky told me."

3. Jill used to phone quite often, but I haven't .... her for a long time now.

4. A: Have you .... a writer called William Hudson?

B: No, I don't think so. What sort of writer is he?

5. Thank you for your letter. It was good to .... you again.

6. "Do you want to .... our holiday?" "Not now. Tell me later."

7. I live in a small town in the north of England. You've probably never .... it.

2. hear about

3. heard from

4. heard of

5. hear from

6. hear about

7. heard of

Bài 4: Complete the sentences using think about or think of. Sometimes both about and of are possible. Use the correct form of think (think/thinking/ thought).

1. You look serious. What are you thinking about?

2. I like to have time to make decisions. I like to .... things carefully.

3. I don't know what to get Sarah for her birthday. Can you .... anything?

4. A: I've finished reading the book you lent me.

B: Have you? What did you .... it? Did you like it?

5. We've .... going out for a meal this evening. Would you like to come?

6. I don't really want to go out with Tom tonight. I'll have to .... an excuse.

7. When I was offered the job, I didn't accept immediately. I went away and .... it for a while. In the end I decided to take the job.

8. I don't .... much .... this coffee. It's like water.

9. Carol is very homesick. She's always .... her family back home.

2. think about

3. think of

4. think of

5. thinking of /about

6. thought about

7. thought about

8. think much of

9. thinking about /of

Bài tập động từ + giới từ (phần 3)

Bài 1: Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.

1. Sue said I was selfish.

Sue accused me of being selfish.

2. The misunderstanding was my fault, so I apologized.

I apologized ............................

3. Jane won the tournament. So I congratulated her.

I congratulated Jan .....................

4. He has enimics, but he has a body guard to protect him.

He has a bodyguard to protect him .......

5. There are eleven player to a football team.

A football team consists ................

6. Sandra eats only bread and eggs.

She lives ...............................

2. for the misunderstanding

3. on winning the tournament

4. from/against his enemies

5. of eleven players

6. on bread and eggs

Bài 2: Complete the second sentence using for or on. These sentences all have blame.

1. Liz said that what happened was Joe's fault. Liz blamed Joe for what happened.

2. You always say everything is my fault.

You always blame me .....................

3. Do you think the economic crisis is the fault of the government?

Do you blame the government .............?

4. I think the increase in violent crime is the fault of the television.

I blame the increase in violent crime ............................

Now rewrite sentences 3 and 4 using to blame for.

5. (3) Do you think the government ............................?

6. (4) I think that ...........................................?

2. for everything

3. for the economic crisis

4. on television

5. is to blame for the economic crisis

6. television is to blame for the increase in violent crime

Bài 3: Complete the sentences using the following verbs + the correct preposition

accuse    apologise    approve    congratulate    depend    lie    pay

1. His parent don't approve of what he does, but they can't stop him.

2. When you went to the theatre with Paul, who .... the tickets?

3. It's not very pleasant when you are .... something you didn't do.

4. A: Are you going to the beach tomorrow?

B: I hope so. It .... the weather.

5. Things are very cheap there. You can .... very little money.

6. When I saw David. I .... him .... passing his driving test.

7. You were very rude to Liz. Don't you think you should .... her?

2. paid for

3. accused of

4. depends on

5. live on

6. congratulated him on

7. apologise to

Bài 4: Put in the correct preposition. If no preposition is necessary. Leave the space empty.

1. Some students were suspected of cheating in the exam.

2. Sally is often not well. She suffers .... very bad headaches

3. You know that you can rely .... me if you ever need any help.

4. It is terrible that some people are dying .... hunger while others eat too much.

5. Are you going to apologize .... what you did?

6. The accident was my fault, so I had to pay .... the repairs.

7. I didn't have enough money to pay .... the bill

8. I complimented her .... her English. She spoke very fluently and her pronunciation was excellent.

9. She hasn't got a job. She depends .... her parents for money.

10. I don't know whether I'll go out tonight. It depends .... how I feel.

2. from

3. on

4. of/from

5. for

6. for

7. –

8. on

9. on

10. – or on

11. from /against

12. of

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